Who we are
Made with Love!
Pure Essentials by Daniel was created with love for our son Daniel. Daniel was diagnosed at the age of two with autism. Since that day, we have always strived to live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle by cleaning out the toxins in our bodies. This also includes the foods we eat, the air we breathe and the products that we put on our skin. We wanted to create a business where Daniel could help with and participate in making good healthy, pure beautiful organic bath products and skin care for our friends and family.
With over 80,000 chemicals in use in our industry today, only a fraction of them have been tested for long term effects. That is not good enough and the industry needs to change. There are increasing studies showing the connection between illness, chemicals and synthetics. We need to eliminate or reduce exposure to these harmful ingredients. These ingredients are often fast acting an invasive and they are causing harm we cannot see.
Our products are Natural, Non-toxic, Gluten-free and as Organic as we can make them. There are no additives, harmful preservatives or dyes. Everything we make is safe and good for you and your family. That is our mission and commitment to our family and to you and your family.
With much love,
Daniel, Michael, Mona & Victor