Tiger Kitten Balm is a refreshing, fast absorbent balm. (Meow)
Designed to cool your skin, it may also ease minor pain. May be used for headaches, sore muscles and other discomfort. Applied to neck and wrist, it may be invigorating on hot summer days.
Ingredients: *Coco butter, Andiroba Oil (Carapas guinanesis) Cajuput (Melaleuca cajeputi) *Spearmint (Mentha spicata) Camphor, *Peppermint (Mentha
arvensis) *Clove Bud (Syzygium aromaticum) Beeswax,Vitamin E
Andiroba Oil Native to the Amazon region in Brazil, Andiroba Oil has long been used by the native Indians to heal cuts and wounds. The seeds from this plant resembles a chestnut and has a very oil rich kernel in the centre. Fruit from the andiroba tree contains kernels (seeds) which are rich in oil. As a traditional medicine, andiroba seed oil has been used as an anti-inflammatory (for swelling), and to treat arthritis, rashes, muscle and joint aches and injuries, wounds, boils, and herpes ulcers. It has also found application for its antimalarial, antipyretic, insecticidal and insect repellent properties. In manufacturing, Andiroba seed oil has been used as a solvent for dissolving and removing dyes from plants and as a lamp oil.
Castor oil may be a boon when it comes to skin problems like sunburn, acne, dry skin and stretch marks. It may also help evade infections like warts, boils, athlete’s foot and chronic itching. Applied to unbroken skin, castor oil may help in easing joint and muscle pain.
Camphor oil may numb and cool the peripheral nerve endings when first applied, then may warm the painful area as it may stimulate circulation to cold, stiff muscles and limbs. This analgesic effect of camphor makes it a favorite oil to be used in pain relieving massage blends for sore muscles, low back pain, and arthritic pain.
Cajuput oil contains a chemical called cineole. When applied to the skin, cineole can cause surface warmth and irritation, which relieves pain beneath the skin.
Clove Bud Clove Essential Oil is very helpful for use in blends intended to help relieve pain. It is also a powerful antimicrobial essential oil.
Peppermint oil may be also used for relief from headaches, stress and pain.
Eucalyptus oil has been renowned to perhaps relieve muscle pain due to its anti inflammatory properties. The anti inflammatory properties may make it an excellent treatment for stiff muscles, aches and other pain related issues. One of the main reasons eucalyptus oil is preferred is due to its cooling properties.
Note: Naturally the results will be different for everyone. This is by no means a cure-all. I’m just happy to share with you my experience with these plants and/or oils. Please use conventional wisdom and consult with your medical professional prior to using this or any other herbal remedy. And as we know all too well the FDA doesn’t like any type of claim…therefore, take it for what it is, and remember, this information is purely educational in its purpose.
Safety Tip: For External use only. CAUTION: Please do not use this balm when pregnant or nursing. Should not be applied to young children. Do not heat in microwave or on a stove. Do not use in a vaporizer Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use directly on face. Store at room temperature.
*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. The herbal products sold by Pure Essentials are not intended to treat, prevent or cure disease. Please do your research about properties of herbs before using. Pure Essentials is not responsible for individual use of this product.
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